Monday, February 9, 2009

pn: Alchian.Demsetz.1972


pn: Coase. 1992. The Institutional Structure of Production

"The Institutional Structure of Production: The 1991 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize Lecture in Economic Sciences," Les Prix Nobel and American Economic Review, (September, 1992) and elsewhere.

cv: Coase, Ronald Harry. 1910

Ronald CoaseFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Coase)

Ronald Harry Coase
Chicago School
Birth December 29, 1910 (1910-12-29) (age 98)

pn: Coase. 1960. The Problem of Social Cost

"The Problem of Social Cost," Journal of Law & Economics 1 (1960). Also in Readings in Microeconomics (William Breit and Harold M. Hochman eds. 1968) and elsewhere.

pn: Coase. 1937. The Nature of the Firm

"The Nature of the Firm," 4 Economica (n.s.) 386 (1937). Also in American Economic Association, Readings in Price Theory, selected by a Committee of the American Economic Association (1952), and elsewhere.

pn:James.2005. Introduction : questions and answers about contracts and organizations

Introduction : questions and answers about contracts and organizations / Harvey S. James, Jr.

in bn: James. 2005. New ideas in contracting and organizational economics research

New ideas in contracting and organizational economics research / Harvey S. James, Jr., editor.Published New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2005.

Persistent record link: Link to web version:
Table of contents
HB846.3 .N48 2005

The roots of transaction cost economics

  Williamson.1971 pn: Williamson, O., 1971. The vertical integration of production: market failure considerations
  Williamson.1975 bn: Williamson, O., 1975. Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications
  Williamson.1979 pn: Williamson, O., 1979. Transaction cost economics: the governance of contractual relations
  Williamson.1985 bn: Williamson, O., 1985. The Economic Institutions of Capitalism

bn: James. 2005. New ideas in contracting and organizational economics research

Title New ideas in contracting and organizational economics research / Harvey S. James, Jr., editor.
Published New York : Nova Science Publishers, c2005.
Persistent record link: Link to web version:
Table of contents
HB846.3 .N48 2005

Table of Contents

List of contributors

Introduction : questions and answers about contracts and organizations / Harvey S. James, Jr.

section 1: new ideas about contracts and organizations

Ch. 1 Why are there explicit contracts of employment? / Harvey S. James, Jr., Derek M. Johnson 3

Ch. 2 Social capital investment in organizations / Kurt Annen 19

Ch. 3 Collateralizing human capital / Chen Guoquan, Frank Lorne 33

Ch. 4 Political systems, economics of organization, and the information revolution : the supply side of public choice / Jean-Jacques Rosa 45

Ch. 5 Do organization choices matter? : assessing the importance of governance through performance comparisons / Anne Yvrande-Billon, Stephane Saussier 71

Ch. 6 Measurement of transaction costs and falsification criteria : toward future directions in empirical research on transaction costs theory / Robert Dahlstrom, Arne Nygaard 89

Section 2: new ideas on how contracting and organizational economics inform on real business problems

Ch. 7 Contracts as management tools : insights on transaction cost analysis, contract strategy and the value added contract / Edward W. Jacobs 107

Ch. 8 IT service delivery : cost and core competency in financial services / Alea M. Fairchild 131

Section 3 : New ideas on frameworks for examining contracting and organizational problems

Ch. 9 An application of the Coasian Lens to GMO regulation / James N. Barnes, Harvey S. James, Jr., Nicholas G. Kalaitzandonakes 149

Ch. 10 Feedback from governance to the institutional environment : a rent seeking approach with application to the 2000 deregulation of the Australian dairy industry / Brad Plunkett, Ira Altman 163

Ch. 11 Regulatory environments and economic change : an examination of boundary, conduct, and attribute regulation in the telecommunications industry / Harvey S. James, Jr., Derek M. Johnson 177

Description xvii, 196 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Note Includes bibliographical references and index.
Subjects Transaction costs. Contracts -- Economic aspects. Associations, institutions, etc.
Other author James, Harvey S.
ISBN 1594541930 (hardcover)
OCLC # 56617175
LC # 2004023062