Monday, January 19, 2009

bn: Scott.1995.Institutions and organizations

Scott.1995.Institutions and organizations

Author    Scott, W. Richard.
Title     Institutions and organizations / W. Richard Scott.
Published   Thousand Oaks : SAGE c1995.
Persistent record link:

HM131 .S3845 1995

Table of Contents



1 Early Institutionalists 1
   Early Institutional Theory in Economics 2
   Early Institutional Theory in Political Science 5
   Early Institutional Theory in Sociology 8
2 Institutional Theory and Organizations 16
   Early Applications to Organizations 16
   Neo-Institutional Theory and Organizations: Founding Conceptions 24
3 Contemporary Institutional Theory 33
   Varying Emphases: The Three Pillars of Institutions 34
   Varying Carriers 52
   Varying Levels of Analysis 55
4 Explaining Institutions: Empirical Research 63
   Creating and Changing Institutions 66
   Maintaining and Diffusing Institutions 78
5 Institutional Effects on Societal Systems, Organizational Fields, and Organizational Populations: Empirical Research 92
   Institutional Agents: The State and the Professions 93
   Effects on Societal Systems 96
   Effects on Organizational Fields 102
   Effects on Organizational Populations 108
6 Institutional Effects on Organizational Structure and Performance: Empirical Research 114
   Structural Effects of Institutional Context 115
   Interaction Effects 118
   Collective Responses to Institutional Environments 124
   Responses by Individual Organizations 128
7 Accomplishments, Continuing Controversies, New Directions 133
   Accomplishments 133
   Continuing Controversies 136
   New Directions 143
References 153
Index 172
About the Author 177

Author    Scott, W. Richard.
Title     Institutions and organizations / W. Richard Scott.
Published   Thousand Oaks, Calif : Sage Publications, c2001.
Edition    2nd ed.
Persistent record link:

HM786 .S3845 2001

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Series
Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
1 Early Institutionalists 1
2 Institutional Theory and Organizations 21
3 Constructing an Analytic Framework I: Three Pillars of Institutions 47
4 Constructing an Analytic Framework II: Content, Agency, Carriers, and Levels 71
5 Institutional Construction, Maintenance, and Diffusion 91
6 Institutional Processes Affecting Societal Systems, Organizational Fields, and Organizational Populations 125
7 Institutional Processes Affecting Organizational Structure and Performance 151
8 Institutional Change 181
9 Looking Back, Looking Forward 205
References 217
Index 247
about the Author 255

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