Saturday, December 6, 2008

papers: Stiglitz, Joseph E. (3)

Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity
Avinash K. Dixit, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 67, No. 3 (Jun., 1977), pp. 297-308
Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity: Reply Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity: Reply
Avinash K. Dixit, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 83, No. 1 (Mar., 1993), pp. 302-304
Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity: Reply Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity: Reply
Avinash K. Dixit, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 69, No. 5 (Dec., 1979), pp. 961-963
Informational Imperfections in the Capital Market and Macroeconomic Fluctuations Informational Imperfections in the Capital Market and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
Bruce Greenwald, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Andrew Weiss
The American Economic Review, Vol. 74, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1984), pp. 194-199
Information, Competition, and Markets Information, Competition, and Markets
Barry J. Nalebuff, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 73, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1983), pp. 278-283
Money, Credit Constraints, and Economic Activity Money, Credit Constraints, and Economic Activity
Alan S. Blinder, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 73, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Ninety-Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1983), pp. 297-302
Asymmetric Information and the New Theory of the Firm: Financial Constraints and Risk Behavior Asymmetric Information and the New Theory of the Firm: Financial Constraints and Risk Behavior
Bruce C. Greenwald, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 80, No. 2, Papers and Proceedings of the Hundred and Second Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association (May, 1990), pp. 160-165
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Reviewed work(s): Value, Capital, and Growth: Papers in Honour of Sir John Hicks. by J. N. Wolfe
The Journal of Finance, Vol. 24, No. 5 (Dec., 1969), pp. 987-989
Efficiency in the Optimum Supply of Public Goods Efficiency in the Optimum Supply of Public Goods
Lawrence J. Lau, Eytan Sheshinski, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Econometrica, Vol. 46, No. 2 (Mar., 1978), pp. 269-284
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Keith Cowling
Reviewed work(s): Whither Socialism? by Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Economic Journal, Vol. 106, No. 437 (Jul., 1996), pp. 1098-1100
Economic Crises: Evidence and Insights from East Asia Economic Crises: Evidence and Insights from East Asia
Jason Furman, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Barry P. Bosworth, Steven Radelet
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1998, No. 2 (1998), pp. 1-135
Invention and Innovation Under Alternative Market Structures: The Case of Natural Resources Invention and Innovation Under Alternative Market Structures: The Case of Natural Resources
Partha Dasgupta, Richard J. Gilbert, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 49, No. 4 (Oct., 1982), pp. 567-582
Implicit Contracts, Labor Mobility, and Unemployment Implicit Contracts, Labor Mobility, and Unemployment
Richard J. Arnott, Arthur J. Hosios, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 78, No. 5 (Dec., 1988), pp. 1046-1066
Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough? Liberalization, Moral Hazard in Banking, and Prudential Regulation: Are Capital Requirements Enough?
Thomas F. Hellmann, Kevin C. Murdock, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The American Economic Review, Vol. 90, No. 1 (Mar., 2000), pp. 147-165
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Jerome L. Stein
Reviewed work(s): Readings in the Modern Theory of Economic Growth. by Joseph E. Stiglitz; Hirofumi Uzawa
The Journal of Finance, Vol. 24, No. 5 (Dec., 1969), pp. 984-985
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Joseph E. Stiglitz
Reviewed work(s): Aspects of the Theory of Risk Bearing--Yrjö Jahnsson Lectures by Kenneth J. Arrow
Econometrica, Vol. 37, No. 4 (Oct., 1969), pp. 742-743
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Stephen J. Turnovsky
Reviewed work(s): The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics of Risk by Joseph E. Stiglitz; David M. G. Newbery
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 65, No. 3 (Aug., 1983), pp. 636-637
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Glen D. Whipple
Reviewed work(s): New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure by Joseph E. Stiglitz; G. Frank Mathewson
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 69, No. 1 (Feb., 1987), pp. 207-208
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Jean-Marie Baland
Reviewed work(s): Peasants versus City-Dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development by Raaj K. Sah; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Apr., 1995), pp. 681-685
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
M. Bronfenbrenner
Reviewed work(s): Readings in the Modern Theory of Economic Growth by Joseph E. Stiglitz; Hirofumi Uzawa
Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Jan., 1971), pp. 330-332
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Tong Yu
Reviewed work(s): New Ideas about Old Age Security by Robert Holzmann; Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 70, No. 2 (Jun., 2003), pp. 372-374
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Peter M. Jackson
Reviewed work(s): Lectures on Public Economics by Anthony B. Atkinson; Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Economic Journal, Vol. 91, No. 362 (Jun., 1981), pp. 573-575
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Jack Dowie
Reviewed work(s): The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics of Risk by Joseph E. Stiglitz; David M. G. Newbery
The Economic Journal, Vol. 93, No. 369 (Mar., 1983), pp. 230-232
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Pradeep Mitra
Reviewed work(s): Peasants versus City-Dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development. by Raaj K. Sah; Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Economic Journal, Vol. 104, No. 425 (Jul., 1994), pp. 964-966
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
David M. Newbery
Reviewed work(s): New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the IEA in Ottawa, Canada by Joseph E. Stiglitz; G. Frank Mathewson
The Economic Journal, Vol. 97, No. 386 (Jun., 1987), pp. 503-506
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Reuven Glick
Reviewed work(s): Financial Liberalization: How Far, How Fast? by Gerard Caprio; Patrick Honohan; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Sep., 2003), pp. 918-919
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Hal Hill
Reviewed work(s): Rethinking the East Asian Miracle by Joseph E. Stiglitz; Shahid Yusuf
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 41, No. 3 (Sep., 2003), pp. 929-931
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Debraj Ray
Reviewed work(s): The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice, and Policy. by Karla Hoff; Avishay Braverman; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 32, No. 4 (Dec., 1994), pp. 1931-1933
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Marius Schwartz
Reviewed work(s): New Developments in The Analysis of Market Structure: Proceedings of a Conference Held by The International Economic Association in Ottawa, Canada. by Joseph E. Stiglitz; G. Frank Mathewson
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Mar., 1988), pp. 133-136
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Peter J. Boettke
Reviewed work(s): Whither Socialism? by Joseph E. Stiglitz
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Mar., 1996), pp. 189-191
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Jere R. Behrman
Reviewed work(s): The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics of Risk. by Joseph E. Stiglitz; David M. G. Newbery
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Sep., 1985), pp. 1244-1245
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
W. Max Corden
Reviewed work(s): Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective by Gerald M. Meier; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Jun., 2002), pp. 566-567
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Richard V. Burkhauser
Reviewed work(s): New Ideas about Old Age Security: Toward Sustainable Pension Systems in the Twenty-First Century by Robert Holzmann; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 40, No. 3 (Sep., 2002), pp. 941-943
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Christopher Bliss
Reviewed work(s): Peasants versus City-Dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development. by Raaj K. Sah; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 33, No. 1 (Mar., 1995), pp. 273-274
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
William W. Sharkey
Reviewed work(s): New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure by Joseph E. Stiglitz; G. Frank Mathewson
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 96, No. 1 (Feb., 1988), pp. 214-219
Pareto Efficient Tax Structures Pareto Efficient Tax Structures
Dagobert L. Brito, Jonathan H. Hamilton, Steven M. Slutsky, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol. 42, No. 1, Special Issue on Public Economics (Jan., 1990), pp. 61-77
Review: How to Analyse Commodity Price Stabilisation? A Review Article Review: How to Analyse Commodity Price Stabilisation? A Review Article
S. M. Ravi Kanbur
Reviewed work(s): The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics of Risk by Joseph E. Stiglitz; David M. G. Newberry
Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, Vol. 36, No. 3 (Nov., 1984), pp. 336-358
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Graham Bird
Reviewed work(s): The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilisation: A Study in the Economics of Risk by Joseph E. Stiglitz; David M. G. Newbery
Third World Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4 (Oct., 1982), pp. 796-798
Examining Alternative Macroeconomic Theories Examining Alternative Macroeconomic Theories
Bruce C. Greenwald, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Robert E. Hall, Stanley Fischer
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1988, No. 1 (1988), pp. 207-270
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Paul Cammack
Reviewed work(s): Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective by Gerald M. Meier; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Development in Practice, Vol. 12, No. 5 (Nov., 2002), pp. 661-662
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Ralph W. Pfouts
Reviewed work(s): The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson by Joseph E. Stiglitz; Paul A. Samuelson
Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 34, No. 3 (Jan., 1968), pp. 441-443
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Marcus Noland
Reviewed work(s): Rethinking the East Asian Miracle by Joseph E. Stiglitz; Shahid Yusuf
The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 61, No. 2 (May, 2002), pp. 683-684
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Peter Lanjouw
Reviewed work(s): Peasants and City Dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development by Raaj Sah; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Economica, New Series, Vol. 61, No. 241 (Feb., 1994), pp. 121-122
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Jeffrey Wagner
Reviewed work(s): Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph E. Stiglitz
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 86, No. 1 (Feb., 2004), pp. 287-288
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
William A. Ward
Reviewed work(s): The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice and Policy by Karla Hoff; Avishay Braverman; Joseph E. Stiglitz
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 77, No. 3 (Aug., 1995), pp. 814-816
Review: [untitled] Review: [untitled]
Subarna K. Samanta
Reviewed work(s): The Economics of Rural Organization by Karla Hoff; Ayishay Braverman; Joseph E. Stiglitz
Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 61, No. 3 (Jan., 1995), pp. 896-898
Conference on Research in Taxation: Introduction Conference on Research in Taxation: Introduction
Michael J. Boskin, Joseph E. Stiglitz
The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 86, No. 2, Part 2: Research in Taxation (Apr., 1978), p. S1

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